
Leann Allen

North Carolina

Beauty gives me life. I long for it, I treasure it, and when I can't find it I create it. I am an artist. I see beauty in the cracks of life, in the moments others shy away from. I love the dark and moody storms of life as much as I do the sunshine and beaches.
I love birth, and motherhood, stretch marks and grey hairs. I love trees and dirt, hidden words, getting messy, and living life with arms wide open. Everything in life is so temporary, so when I can make a moment stretch just a little bit longer by capturing it in a drawing, a poem, or a photograph- I absolutely will.

My life is full of flour and bread. Babies and Birth. Tea and books.
I am thriving. I am living. I am grieving. I am soaring.

I am a mother.
I am a friend.
I am an artist and poet - scriptandink.com
I am a Birthkeeper and Birth Photographer- wildwoodbirth.com

Thank you so much for being here in this space with me. <3