
John Tuttle


Music, art, engineering, business. I have done all of it. Been around the world multiple times, and have dropped in on most continents.
Started photography with my own black and white darkroom at the age of twelve, and have continued on and off for 60 more years. My work hangs in personal collections around the world, I have had many exhibitions from Hawaii to New York, and have won many awards and competetive firsts. My career was in engineering, which I still do part time, and I still spend part of most days with photography, splitting my residency between Texas and Costa Rica. I enjoy shooting, processing, writing and teaching, using my creative side on almost all my projects. Along the way, I have been granted almost two hundred US and International Patents, with more in the pipeline. To learn color, I took up watercolor in the 80's. In the nineties converted to digital for the most part, and still do both B&W and color. Lived seventeen years in New Mexico. 'Nuff said!

Bücher von John Tuttle