
Evie & Danielle Wilson

Birmingham, United Kingdom

Last summer, we started having 'No TV Tuesdays' at our house. On that first Tuesday evening, Evie and Danielle were looking for something fun to do together. On a whim, we started writing a silly story inspired by (and in honour of) Evie's dad, Joel.

Writing 'Joel the Mole' together became our weekly Tuesday night pastime. As the story grew and grew, we laughed an awful lot ... sometimes nearly wetting ourselves! So we decided to share our story with other people, too. Hence, this book!

Every page is a true collaboration between a girl and her mum... obviously, a twisted sense of humour runs in the family. We hope you enjoy reading our very silly story as much as we enjoyed writing it together.

Evie (age 9) & Danielle (age 41)

Bücher von Evie & Danielle Wilson