
Teresa Beth Hough


TBH is a professional artist who exhibits her art internationally and enjoys teaching. She created five books in her WATERLOO (Belgium) Series as accessories to the solo traveling exposition of her work touring cities of 'The Imperial Route'. The guide catalogs the paintings on exhibit and provides a concise, impartial text about the Battle of Waterloo, navigation guidance to 80 historic views located with the six square mile battlefield area. See also her Waterloo Series Coloring Books,which can be educational tools to introduce young visitors to history without emphasizing weaponry and human conflict. These accessories encourage exploration, alone or in groups, of this history-drenched region influenced by Napoleonic history, medical advancement and the architecture and utility of beautiful castle-farms peppering the ''the 1815 frontier'. Some of them are open to the public since only 2015 with iimpressive state-of-the-art displays.

Bücher von Teresa Beth Hough