
Reg Zell

Bures sur Yvette

Reg Zell holds a degree in Communication Design from the University of Applied Sciences at Augsburg, Germany, and did post-graduate studies at Kingston University London. - Encouraged by the late Director of the Philippine National Museum, Fr. Gabriel Casal, Reg Zell began publishing in 2000 the results of his research on the Negritos of the Philippines that considered recent scientic findings and reevaluated their material and intangible culture. - His biography of the Irish-born John M. Garvan, eminent Negrito reseracher, has been praised by the Austrian Prof. Dr. Hermann Hochegger, SVD, Moedling, a Negrito specialist. - During a regional museums conference held in September 2012 at the Hubei Provincial Museum in Wuhan, China, Reg Zell addressed delegates from around the world on the general indifference to the history and culture of the Negritos, and his intention to create a virtual museum in 2013 consecrated solely to this indigenous population and which will be known as VMN.

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