
Jeff Ballard

Orange County, CA. USA

Born and raised in South Bend, IN, Jeff grew up playing sports. The passion for photography also came at an early age.

While the athletic career never came, his passion for sports and photography never waned. In 2006 Jeff combined his two passions – sports and photography – to create InPlay Photos. An effort that started by shooting pictures of his own kids’ sports careers grew into providing other players’ parents, as well as their friends and extended families, with the in-game action shots of their favorite athletes.

Through his own life experiences, Jeff also began to develop a passion for helping to make the world a better place. He began to turn his camera toward social and economic causes such as ALS and extreme poverty. Through his photography Jeff has helped organizations such as the Jim Karaffa Business Academy for Women in Nairobi, Kenya, the Friends of Kibera, and the ALS Association of Orange County promote their organization and gain support for their causes

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