


A simple but flavorful French boule, like its older counterpart"Bourguignon", is really a bread that's baked in the oven. It Started in the central area of France, in most regions like Normandy and Burgundy. The basic ingredients include soy, yeast, flour, sugar, milk, raisins, currants, and dates. Usually a bit baking powder has been added to strengthen the overall flavor of the bread.
A French boule has a very long history, even going back to the days of early Rome. There was a dish called"Pomfret et une boule" which is depicted in ancient paintings. Within this kind of bread, there is a fruit that was baked into it. This fruit was a sign of riches in those days. One portrayed in petroleum by Leonardo da Vinci was covered in gold decorated with gemstones.
Now, a easy boule consists of butter, flour, yeast, raisins, currants, and dates. The ingredients are combined an