
Mark Tuschman

Menlo Park, CA 94025

I have been a corporate location photographer for 30 years, with a majority of my clients in the healthcare and pharmaceutical fields. Since 2001 I have also devoted my energy to the issues of global healthcare and development, especially involving women’s reproductive healthcare. This year I was fortunate to receive the Global Health Council photographer of the year award.

My first book, “Still I Rise”, on the importance of women’s reproductive healthcare, was supported by a grant from the Packard Foundation.

"Capital of Hope" is a visual documentary on the effects of microfinance and a girl's scholarship program organized by WomensTrust in the village of Pokuase, Ghana. Because poverty in the third world is so endemic, I wanted to see for myself if microfinance offered a possible solution, a pathway out of the endless cycle of hardship.

For more of my work, please check out my website at: and my blog at:

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