
khristian A. Howell Surface Design


I’m Khristian A. Howell, surface pattern designer, licensed artist, traveler, photographer, efficiency expert, stylist, consultant and designer of all things pretty and soul satisfying. Oh, I forgot olive eater and French enthusiast!
A mouth full? Let’s sum it up by saying my special gift is designing. After years designing prints and textiles for the Nordstrom private label, I decided to leave the corporate world so that I could also design the rhythm of my life. Today I am taking all my business know how and my design skills and turning it into one amazing super power! My background is advertising by degree, so you are looking at something that is very rare in the wild – a creative with awesome business savvy!
I have been very lucky to work with some of the most amazing clients including Robert Kaufman Fabrics, Tiny Prints, Andrews McMeel Publishing, Eddie Bauer, REI, Anthology Fabrics, Pier 1 Imports, HGTV, and more. Hold on because there are always twists and turns on this ride.


Surface Design, Styling, Design Consulting, Trade Show preparation, Art marketing

Berufsverbände und Organisationen

Published in the Print and Pattern book by Laurence King Publishing. Contributing writer for the SURTEX blog, Contributor -, Speaker Conference Program SURTEX 2011

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