
Cary Winters

Eugene, Oregon

I have four children and 15 grandchildren and they keep me young. I love people. I find them fascinating and complex. Life is hard and we all need time to relax and laugh, so I began to write about the funny and sometimes gross things my children had done and grandchildren would do. This created two humorous books. The Mother Goose type of book is "Figgy's Fables" for children. For older children and adults is "Fartworthy Funnies" forged from my battle with cancer and its lingering after-effects, because laughter is definitely the best medicine. I grew up up in sunny, southern California. I have been a real estate agent, a medical office manager, and a business owner. I love doing things with my grandchildren; cooking, vacations, movies, playing games, gardening, sewing, singing, dancing, crocheting, drawing, painting, and just being there for them.

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