
edward Ryles


I was born in 1949, the youngest son in
a family of four, to John and Maggie Ryles.
John, my father, being a self
made man. after his time at sea, during
the Second World War, he opened three
General dealer shops. as rationing was
still the norm, we all had to pull our
weight, stocking shelves and serving
I was raised Church Of England and in
the house, discipline was strict. My
parents were Victorian in their rules and
it soon became clear that my life had
been mapped out for me. I was to work
in the family business but, sensing I
would be trapped for life, I made the
decision to go to sea, enrolling for duty
in 1966. After five at sea, my first
born brought me home. The itchy foot
and good work opportunity took us to
Canada in 1973. Returning to the UK in
1979. I then worked as a security officer
at the University of Sunderland for
eighteen year, until ill health put me
into retirement.

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