
Dawny Tootes

Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK

Dawny Tootes was born Sonya Dawn Flewitt, 9th March1967 in Neston on The Wirral, between the Dee Estuary & The River Mersey, UK.
She is an emerging Wales based artist.
"I salvage & recycle aluminium & have developed a foundry technique of exploring molten metal as a free form process in it's own right. Such a medium gives me no choice but to work quickly & intuitively, as the moment the liquid leaves the crucible it quickly begins to solidify.

There is only a certain amount of control I can hope to gain over this mesmerizing silvery medium. Its intense heat, the roar of the furnace, the pounding of my heart, adds to the often unpredictable but totally captivating & exciting experience of creating this sculpture.

By salvaging & recycling metals I am developing a visual vocabulary which flows between abstract, figurative & botanical forms that compose a dialogue commenting on sustainability from a creative viewpoint, within an emotional & environmental context".

Dawny Tootes

Bücher von Dawny Tootes