


Cynthia Walpole's photography is known by its subtle detail and painterly quality that beckons her viewers back for more.

Growing up in Costa Rica's tropical paradise, she has been intimately connected to the natural world from an early age. After receiving a degree in mathematics, Cindy temporarily put aside this early love while she managed a trading desk at a Wall Street brokerage firm.

Having resigned from this position, she soon found herself in deepest Africa, capturing images of the wildlife that have always intrigued her. This blossomed into a passion that has taken her to the deserts of Namibia, the jungles of Costa Rica, the fragile ecosystems of Antarctica, as well as the awe inspiring beauty of the Florida Everglades.

When she is not out in the field with her camera, Cindy can be found in her studio, engrossed in her image editing software until the early morning hours

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