


Most massage methods are usually performed by means of palms, elbows, shoulders, forearms, heels, or possibly a massage apparatus. The principal aim of massage is usually for the relief of pain or body tension. Even though the physical benefits of massage could be great, one of the most typical uses for a massage is to relax and encourage a feeling of well-being. Massage treatment dates back to the earliest cultures of India and Egypt. Massage has also been proven to relieve symptoms in patients that suffer from such chronic diseases as asthma, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
The goal of massage therapy is to restore bodily health and alleviate pain by reducing muscle tension. Muscle tension may lead to sore muscles, pulled tendons, pinched nerves, nerves, and other common aches and pains. For instance, aches and pains related to inflamed or chronically strained muscles might be relieved via massage. Additionally, muscle