
Robert Fleckenstein

Lancaster, California, USA

Learning black and white photo processing in Junior High School, it always stuck with me. Later, being suddenly and overwhelming introduced into the wonderful world of photographic art, upon a visit to the Ansel Adams Galley in Yosemite Valley, I set off on a journey I have tried to describe in my first personnel photo book.
Having delved into the art from around 1977 it has rewarded me with much satisfaction and later on, with the help of Ansel's Zone System, much fun. It is as if your creativeness bubbles over and goes on without measure.
I have, without question, chosen the "Yosemite Portfolio" as my first (essay). The many years and seasons I spent visiting the National Park left me with a love and respect for it which still goes on to today. For me It is a land of endless photographic possibility and unconsciously draws me back year after year.
The first of 3 or 4 I hope you enjoy it.

Bücher von Robert Fleckenstein