
Dell Cullum

East Hampton, New York

Author, Photographer, Filmmaker, Television Show Producer & Host of Imagination Nature. Dell is a native of East Hampton, NY but is nationally known for both his amazing wildlife photography and his beautifully unique nudes.
He has produced and directed environmental documentaries including "Cleaning the Sands of Time" and "Isabela: a Green Explorer Expedition" and supplied aerial drone footage for award winning motion films.
His expertise is in wildlife, and on many levels. Removal, rescue, relocation, education, and rehabilitation. He has created and hosted a local television and YouTube show about the beauty and benefits of wildlife. He speaks at schools, clubs, organizations, even the recent 2019 Long Island Natural History Conference at Brookhaven Laboratory in New York. He is also the author of a children's book series on learning about wildlife and compassion for wildlife, titled The Wild Adventures of Scurry the Squirrel.
He has authored other wonderful books as well.

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