
Dogs 4 Diabetics

Concord, CA

Dogs for Diabetics is a charitable, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the lives of all insulin-dependent diabetics, empowering individuals, children and families to achieve lifelong successes with their disease. To fulfill this mission, Dogs4Diabetics provides quality medical alert dogs to insulin-dependent diabetics through programs of training, placement, and follow-up services. Dogs4Diabetics strives to set high standards for medical alert service and to be recognized as a organization of dedication, integrity, and service. The organization is a fully accredited member of Assistance Dogs International.

Dogs4Diabetics assistance dogs have been specifically trained to identify, and more importantly, act upon the subtle scent changes that hypoglycemia (low blood glucose) creates in body chemistry—changes undetectable to their human companions. These dogs play a critical role for their partners in their diabetes management.

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