
Michelle Vassallo

United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi

Michelle was born in Brazil where she lived until 2010 working as a Chemical Engineer (really!!! I know... it sounds weird!!). Drawing has always been part of her life... She remembers her mom carrying lots of paper and colored pencils when they were traveling or just visiting someone, just because she DESPERATELY NEEDED be drawing all the time.

Even trying to follow a traditional carrier in the engineering world, the Art was intrinsically part of her. She used to draw her teachers and colleagues at University and then her bosses at work (OMG).

She began working as freelance illustrator in 2012 and she is really motivated and happy with the results! Every day is a special day, because she has the opportunity to create something beautiful and bring joy to people's life!

Her working technique is based on digital painting (digital tablet + Photoshop) printed on canvas or laminate photo paper.

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