
Raelene Taylor

Queensland Australia

I was born in Sydney Australia, and moved to the Gold Coast Queensland in 1984.
My career has been quite diverse, from secretarial work to running my own Dining Club. I was elected as District Governor for Toastmasters International for 1995-6 for the District of Qld, Northern N.S.W and Northern Territory Australia. I have been a teacher for T.A.F.E as well as running my own public speaking classes.
Several overseas trips and study courses have broadened my experience particularly in communicating with people.
I love reading and escaping into the world of mythology, (particularly Irish, as I have Irish ancestry). This led to undertaking an undergraduate study in Myth, Ritual and the Sacred. which resulted in my book In Search of the Cauldron of Plenty for young teens, being published in 2004.
I love reading, mostly Historical Novels, and belong to a Book Club as well as work part-time in a Book Exchange.
My other interests are Music, Movies, Walking and Travel.

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