
Kerry Adamo


Hello, and Welcome to my site.

Photography is a dimension in time and space, made up of one person’s view of the world.

Full of life, color, dreams and ideas this digital art comes alive.

You will know in less than 10 seconds if you like what you see as yours eyes will not lie to you.

Each photo and book has its own story to tell and maybe for just those 10 seconds you can escape to someplace else.

The world of digital art can be yours to enjoy for a life time.
So escape into my photography and see the world as only I see it.

Fine Digital Art for your Home/Business/School or to share with the Community

"Photography is not a dress rehearsal sometimes you only get one chance to get the right shot".

We would love to hear what you have to say about our work. Your comments are always welcome.

Bücher von Kerry Adamo