A.W.Bruce Sherman

Hillsdale, Ontario Canada

I am a retired elementary school educator living with my wife Deborah in the beautiful Georgian Bay region in Ontario. I was born in Brockville, Ontario on the St. Lawrence River and am a graduate of London Teacher's College and Queen's University in Kingston,Ontario.
I spend my painting hours equally between outdoor painting and in the studio working on larger works. Art has been my lifelong passion and I have been blessed to be able to combine it successfully with my teaching career.
My wife,a gifted stained glass artisan and I share our passion for creating unique art and travel together in search of inspiration for our individual creations. We own and operate the Paint Box Gallery in this quiet setting where the Canadian Shield landscape offers unlimited painting opportunities.
I have always enjoyed writing and reading prose and poetry. I have always written and collected these "thought sketches" as I produced them.This book finally integrates them together and binds them as one.

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